2025 Pro-life Summit
8:00AM - Continental Breakfast
9:00AM - 10:50AM - General Morning Session*
Emceed by Lydia Taylor Davis, Students for Life of America
Call to Order: Mia Armstrong, SAG-AFTRA actress
Welcome to the 2025 Pro-Life Summit: Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action
Award Presentation: Defender of Life
Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA
Living Life Courageously
Fr. Calvin Robinson, Conservative Commentator & Parish Priest
Unthinkable: Secrets of Former Abortion Workers
Abby Johnson, Ph.D., And Then There Were None & ProLove Ministries
Thriving Life
Bethany Hamilton, Author & Speaker
Family First Fusionism
Kevin Roberts, Ph.D., The Heritage Foundation
Persuasive Pro-Life
Trent Horn, Catholic Answers
Morning Keynote Address
Ben Carson, Sr., M.D., American Cornerstone Institute
11:00 AM - Session 1
- Sustaining the Pro-Life Movement Through Grassroots Action, with Janae Stracke, Heritage Action for America
- Youth Voters Tell Us a Story for What's Next, with Michele Venditto, Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement
- Make America Pro-Life Again, with Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action Ballot Initiative
*This session will be livestreamed at ProLifeSummit.com/Livestream
- Kristi Hamrick, Students for Life Action
- Zac Kester, Charitable Allies
- Erik Baptist, Alliance Defending Freedom
- Betty Hodge, CPC Metro Jackson MS
- Shawn Pennell & Toni (TJ) Martini, Arise Intercessors United
- Kevin Jorrey, Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo
- Cristina Flores, Students for Life at UTEP
- Nicole Swannack, Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Students for Life
- Dr. Marguerite Duane and Dr. Emily Mahklouf, FACTS About Fertility
- Jackie Aguilar, Natural Womanhood; Sally Ivers, TeenSTAR
12:00pm – LUNCH
2:00 PM – SESSION 2
-“It may be human, but is not a person until __” with Stephen Wagner, Justice for All
- "Is Overpopulation a Myth?" with Sarah Gabel Seifert, EveryLife
- "Is miscarriage care abortion?" with Dr. Susan Bane, AAPLOG
*This session will be livestreamed at ProLifeSummit.com/Livestream
- Pete & Tricia DeMaio, Mission Love and Life
-Tyson Langhofer, Gabriella McIntyre, and Erik Baptist, Alliance Defending Freedom
- Teresa Kenney, APRN-NP, Sancta Familia Medical Apostolate
- Jennifer Lahl, MA, BSN, RN, The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network
- Dr. Marguerite Duane and Dr. Emily Mahklouf, FACTS About Fertility
- Jackie Aguilar, Natural Womanhood; Sally Ivers, TeenSTAR
- Lauren Muzyka, Esq.
- Nate Robertson, and Melissa Yeomans, Sidewalk Advocates for Life
3:00 PM - Session 3
- Impacting Legislation, with Jon Schweppe, American Principles Project
- Impacting Your Church, Bishop Garland Hunt, Douglass Leadership Institute
- Impacting Your Community, with Jessica Andreae, ProLove Ministries
*This session will be livestreamed at ProLifeSummit.com/Livestream
-Jay Richards, The Heritage Foundation
- David Bereit, Pro-Life Leader
- Royce Hood, J.D., Mission Counsel
- Mark Cavaliere, Southwest Coalition, Inc.
- Dr. Marguerite Duane and Dr. Emily Mahklouf, FACTS About Fertility
- Jackie Aguilar, Natural Womanhood; Sally Ivers, TeenSTAR
- Lauren Muzyka, Esq.
- Nate Robertson, and Melissa Yeomans, Sidewalk Advocates for Life
4:00 PM - Session 4
- The 1916 Project, with Seth Gruber, The White Rose Resistance
- A Look Inside, with Mayra Rodriguez, And Then There Were None
- Bankrupting Planned Parenthood, with Erik Baptist, Alliance Defending Freedom
*This session will be livestreamed at ProLifeSummit.com/Livestream
- Ben Ice and Morgan Reece, Students for Life of America
- Kate Maloney, Campaign for Abortion Free Cities
- Stephanie Stone, Standing With You
- Dr. Marguerite Duane and Dr. Emily Mahklouf, FACTS About Fertility
- Jackie Aguilar, Natural Womanhood; Sally Ivers, TeenSTAR
- Lauren Muzyka, Esq.
- Nate Robertson, and Melissa Yeomans, Sidewalk Advocates for Life
4:50 PM - Snack Break
5:25 PM - Evening General Session* - Grand Ballroom
The Solution to a Pro-Abortion Baby Products Industry
Sarah Gabel Seifert, EveryLife
Building a Culture of Life
Tyson Langhofer, Alliance Defending Freedom
Evening Keynote Address
Kayleigh McEnany, Co-Host of Outnumbered on Fox News Channel
Thank You!
Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of America
Booths Open until 7pm
*Indicates a special intensive session that requires advanced registration. There are a few seats still available, to register on site make sure to join the first session of the intensive to sign up and grab a seat!
Leading to Win Track
-Janae Stracke, The Heritage Foundation & Heritage Action for America; Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life Action; Michele Venditto, Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement
With a new presidential administration being inaugurated in January 2025 what will that mean for the pro-life movement? Examining the cross between culture and politics this workshop will explore what can be done with legislation to protect Life federally and in the states, what future elections may hold, and what is at stake for our movement.
-Seth Gruber, The White Rose Resistance; Mayra Rodriguez, And Then There Were None; Erik Baptist, Alliance Defending Freedom
Planned Parenthood remains the abortion Goliath, not only ending the most lives in the U.S. but also receiving hundreds of thousands of tax dollars each year. Find out how to defeat this giant by learning the origins of Planned Parenthood, who they are today, what is happening inside their doors, and how exactly we can stop the flow of funding from our tax dollars.
-Jay Richards, Director of the DeVos Center, The Heritage Foundation & Heritage Action for America
The fight for life is no longer confined to opposing abortion—it’s about rebuilding a culture that values and supports the family. In his workshop Jay will explore how promoting strong families, rooted in marriage and biological reality, is the most effective way to reduce the demand for abortion and restore America’s moral foundation. He will discuss the legislative and cultural strategies needed to advance a pro-family, pro-life agenda.
-Erik Baptist, Director of Center for Life; Tyson Langhofer, Center for Academic Freedom
We all know that cancel culture is a real thing, but what does it look like in academia, medicine, and education when pro-life voices are canceled? What are your rights, what do you need to watch out for, and how can you defend Life in these fields without fear of being canceled? Join this panel as they explore the answers to these questions.
-Kristi Hamrick, Savanna Deretich, and Mark Mezzina, Students for Life Action
The Pro-Life Movement made huge gains at the federal level and in state legislatures across the nation during the 2024 elections. While we suffered some losses through Constitutional Amendments, the Pro-Life Generation has BIG plans and lots to do to continue protecting Life in law. Learn how to help us fight the menace of Chemical Abortion, FINALLY Defund Planned Parenthood, and Make America Pro-Life Again!
-David Bereit, Pro-Life Leader; Royce Hood, J.D., Mission Counsel; Mark Cavaliere, Southwest Coalition, Inc.
Pro-life entrepreneurship is the focus of this workshop. How do you take your big idea and grow it into an organization, or how do you reinvigorate the organization you are in now with new ideas and tools to make your mission work? From business plans, to fundraising, human resources, and executing a mission with excellence you will get new tools and ideas from these experts.
-Kristi Hamrick, Students for Life Action; Zac Kester, Charitable Allies; Erik Baptist, Alliance Defending Freedom
It’s going to take out of the box tactics to protect women and their children from the harms of chemical abortion. It may start with having a conversation about cows experiencing spontaneous abortions near wastewater treatment plants and exposing the environmental harms of flushing human remains and chemicals into the wastewater systems. It may start with helping people understand that Chemical Abortion pills are not miscarriage care. It may start with the FDA, EPA, your local Attorney General’s office, or by educating and lobbying your representatives – but it must start with YOU knowing what is going on and what you can do about it!
-Betty Hodge, CPC Metro Jackson MS; Shawn Pennell, Arise Intercessors United; Kevin Jorrey, Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo; Cristina Flores, Students for Life at UTEP; and Nicole Swannack, Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Students for Life
This year we invited pro-life activists from across the country to send us their best ideas, proven technique or ideas for outreach to present to you. This year we have chosen five outstanding individuals to present on career development to help women facing unexpected crisis pregnancies, fathers and abortion, presenting the value of life to children, getting the Catholic church motivated to fight abortion, and how to uniquely reach Latinos with the pro-life message.
Changing Minds Track
-Trent Horn, Catholic Answers
If you want to change minds about abortion, then you need to make sure you know how to use good arguments and be winsome in persuading people to join our movement. Join Trent to learn how to be the best ambassador you can be for the pro-life movement!
-Stephen Wagner, Justice for All; Sarah Gabel Seifert, Everylife; Dr. Susan Bane, AAPLOG
Breaking down the top three arguments we face on campus and in culture. These panelists will show you how to defend your position and use winning messages that change minds.
-Trent Horn, Catholic Answers
Trent will take you on a deep dive into the difficult questions regarding abortion and how to respond. Have you been stumped with how to respond to bodily autonomy or sovereign zone arguments? Then, this is the workshop for you!
-Pete & Tricia DeMaio, Mission Love and Life
Join Pete & Tricia DeMaio as they share their journey from a teen abortion experience to being married with seven children. They will share how discovering Theology of the Body, the purpose and design of our bodies and relationships, after crisis changed their relationship with each other and with God. They will also share the practical ways that they incorporated this new understanding that will help you in your own journey through dating and on into marriage.
- Teresa Kenney, APRN-NP, Sancta Familia Medical Apostolate; Jennifer Lahal, The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network
This past year IVF became a huge political and cultural issue. But what is IVF and how did an Alabama Supreme Court ruling push this topic into the forefront? Join this panel to find out more about IVF, how the abortion lobby uses this to conflate the real struggle of infertility with abortion, the harms it creates, and how to talk about this issue with compassion and pro-life alternatives like Napro Technology.
-Christine Yeargin, Students for Life of America; Isabel Brown, Author; Shane Winnings, Promise Keepers; and Mia Armstrong, SAG-AFTRA Actress
We need the right tools to win this culture! That means we need to know how to share the truth about abortion, lifesaving resources, and move people to being more pro-life. It can seem like an overwhelming task but we are going to break it down for you and make sure you understand the tactics for winsomely engaging in culture.
-Abby Johnson, Ph.D., ProLove Ministries & And Then There Were None
Abortionists vs. Serial Killers — Is there a difference? Not only do both groups deliberately end human lives, but both groups tend to have a specific “signature” while doing so. Abby Johnson draws parallels between abortionists and serial killers, including: psychological profiles, motivations, signatures, and their values of human life.
Serving Women & Saving Lives Track
-Bishop Garland Hunt, Douglas Leadership Institute; Jessica Andreae, ProLove Ministries; Jon Schweppe, American Principles Project
Laying down a framework for a Life choice with legislation, in churches, and in communities empowers women and families to welcome unexpected pregnancies and helps grow families with confidence.
-Ben Ice and Morgan Reece, Students for Life of America; Kate Maloney, Campaign for Abortion Free Cities; Stephanie Stone, Standing With You
The best way we can serve women and save lives is by reaching and growing our circle of influence on our campus. From building up your circle through education & outreach, organization & strategy, and then creating & partnering to expand the resources available to pregnant and parenting mothers and families.
- Lauren Muzyka, Esq., Nate Robertson, and Melissa Yeomans, Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Founder of the largest sidewalk outreach organization in the country, Lauren Muzyka, will introduce you to “the map” – an easy, 5-step method to approaching and connecting with abortion-vulnerable women and men and turning them away from abortion to life! Along with her national team of seasoned Sidewalk Advocates, Lauren will also share scenario-based examples of how to effectively and peacefully handle even the most challenging circumstances, from women who have experienced sexual violence to hostile abortion workers. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to not only discover the latest tips and tools for saving lives from abortion, but also a chance to put them into action during this session!
This is a special intensive brought to you by Sidewalk Advocates for Life that will take place during Breakout Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the Meeting Rooms Level in the State room.
-Dr. Marguerite Duane and Dr. Emily Mahklouf, FACTS; Jackie Aguilar, Natural Womanhood; Sally Ivers, TeenSTAR
This is a special intensive designed to expand your understanding of the beauty of the human body, the gift of our fertility and how we can truly be empowered to care for our reproductive health. Brought to you by FACTS About Fertility, Natural Womanhood and TeenSTAR, we will explore the uniqueness of who we are as male and female, and what we are made for in this world. We will then present the basics about the signs of fertility and the ways in which we can learn to track our cycles. We will explore the applications of cycle tracking for women’s health and family planning and highlight the many benefits of being empowered with this knowledge. We will conclude with a discussion of how to share this information with classmates and friends and a demonstration of cycle mindfulness clubs, a peer-lead university program designed to help young women know the science and truth about their cycles and fertility, by charting their cycles within a support group context. This is a special intensive brought to you by FACTS About Fertility that will take place during Breakout Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the Meeting Rooms Level in the Treasury room.